GPS Bluetooth Receiver
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Products > GPS Bluetooth Receiver > BT-CD110
Ultra Low Power GPS Bluetooth Receiver with Data Logger Functionality

BT-CD110 Product Brief  
Brief Introduction

The BT-CD110 is the industry leading Bluetooth GPS receiver that offers simultaneous use of real-time GPS reception and data logging. The BT-CD110 features extended battery life, (up to 22 hours) with rechargeable battery and increased memory size. (4MB) It can interface with any Bluetooth-enable mobile device to provide GPS data to applications. The BT-CD110 is capable of keeping up to 250,000 records or positions, including longitude, latitude, speed, UTC, and tag data. The log file can be downloaded for analysis via high-speed USB connection, the location histories can also be exported to mapping software such as Google Earth or TrackMaker.
It can be used as a wireless and mobile data logger for asset tracking, fleet management, heavy logistics and dangerous goods transportation.

* Land/Marine Navigation
* Asset Tracking
* Telematics
* Fleet Management
* Sports and Recreation
WONDE PROUD Technology Co., Ltd.
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